cloth diapers: newborn

For various reasons we decided long ago that we were going to cloth diaper.  Saves money, “be green”, no nasty diaper chemicals on baby’s skin, and they are cute, always a bonus 😉   Since I will be home most of the time (only working a few shifts a month after maternity leave is over) I will have plenty of time to do laundry 🙂  We have about 30 newborn sized diapers plus a dozen prefolds so I should be good to go 2-3 days between loads.  Very excited for our new washing machine to be delivered this weekend.  Old one only works on one setting : cold-large load.  We are replacing it with a high efficiency top loader, as front loaders are generally a headache for diaper laundry.

Here’s our newborn stash, will probably start using them once the short meconium phase has passed.

2 bububebes, 2 mutts, 1 mamamade (cranky clouds!), and 15 KL0s

10 covers (probably way too many), a mix of bummis superbrites, Thirsties size 1s and Thirsties xs.  I also have a handful of newborn wool covers not pictured.  8 bumgenius xs bamboo fitteds (these are discontinued), 3 goodmama newborns.

I also have a dozen green mountain newborn prefolds.  Not sure if I will like prefolds or not but I figure I’d give them a shot as I know many swear by them, plus they are cheap.  Can always use them for burp rags too!

I bought the majority of our newborn stash used from cloth diapering friends, spots corner, and diaperswappers.  Since the newborn diapers are typically only used for 2-3 months depending on the size of your baby, they are all very gently used and in great shape, plus I saved lots of $$ by buying used.  When I post pics of our one-size stash you will see where all my money really went, sheesh, I have a diaper buying problem!  Whatever we don’t like we can sell, whatever we do like we can keep for future children!