Cora: 7 months old


Stats: Nothing official, but I weighed her when we were in the doctor’s office recently and she was right around 20lbs.

Size: 9 months.  Moved up to size 3 diapers this month.

Sleep:  Cora continues to sleep so well, we are very lucky!  She goes down around 8pm and sleeps until 8:30 or 9 in the morning.  She’s usually awake for about 90 minutes during the day before she wants to go down for a nap.  She gets a long one in the morning, a short one early in the afternoon, and another long one in the afternoon.  We try to keep her up between her late afternoon nap and bedtime but sometimes she takes a quick catnap while we eat dinner. She doesn’t nap as well in the car as she used to.


Eating: Cora likes a big bottle first thing in the morning (9oz) and then 6oz bottles every few hours throughout the day.  We offer her solids at dinner if she’s awake.  Her favorites are carrots, bananas, apples, and pears.  We’ve offered things like banana and avocado and she has not figured out how to feed herself yet.  Her sister was the same. Baby led weaning did not interest her either.

Likes: Carrots, her owl rattle toy, reading books with her daddy, grabbing her sister’s hair, Boopers, blowing raspberries, flapping her arms when she’s excited, sitting up in her boppy and playing with toys, cold teethers, baby pushups (trying to figure out how to crawl).

Dislikes: TEETHING, people that aren’t her immediate family trying to hold her, pureed peas.

Firsts: Sitting in the shopping cart, sitting in her high chair.

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