Spring 2017 Consignment Sales


In past year’s I’ve just put this info in a Google Doc and shared that but thought I’d put it on my blog going forward as it makes it easier to find and share!  This is not a comprehensive of all of the consignment sales in the KC area as there are a ton of them.  I’ve pared the list down to the bigger and more popular sales that are most often recommended for shopping and consigning.

Spring 2017 Consignment Sales

Just Between Friends Lees Summit: February 24-26th
The Pavillion at John Knox Village: 520 NW Murray Rd, Lees Summit, MO 64081

Rhea Lana’s of the Northland: Feb 26 – March 2
Picture Hills Shopping Center 6501 N Cosby Ave KCMO

Rhea Lana’s of Overland Park: Feb 26 – March 4 
9101 Quivira Rd. Overland Park KS (north of Court Furniture)

Here We Grow Again Olathe/Overland Park: Feb 27 – March 4
11934 South Strang Line, Olathe KS 66062  

Kids Closet Connect of Lees Summit: March 1-4
Harris Park Community Center 110 SW Blue Pkwy Lees Summit, MO 64063  

Just Between Friends of Shawnee: March 2-5 
Parkway Shopping Center: 11225 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee KS 66203

Just Between Friends of Overland Park: March 16-19
Ritz Charles: 9000 W 137th St. Overland Park KS

Just Between Friends Northland:  March 17-19
PAC Complex: 6014 Missouri 9 Hwy, Parkville, MO 64152

Rhea Lana’s of Lee’s Summit: April 9-13
13720 A Highway 40 East, Independence, MO

Kids Closet Connection of Overland Park: April 12-15
Overland Park Convention Center: 6000 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66213 


Cora: 3 months old


Stats: Nothing official this month but I think she’s gained a couple of pounds and her head is bigger (she is rapidly outgrowing hats).  Will get stats at her 4 month appt.

Size: This girl is GROWING.  I’ve packed up most of her 3 month sized clothes and brought out 3-6 month and 6 month sizes.  At this rate I’m going to need to buy her some more clothes to get through winter as Gretchen wasn’t in 6 or 9 month clothes til spring.

Sleep: Cora slept through the night for the first time at 10 weeks.  It was something like 11pm to 6am.  Since then she’s repeated that frequently and has done some really long stretches from 8pm to 6 or 7am.  Some nights she does wake up at 4 or 5 but she consistently sleeps 5-6 hours straight now.

Eating: I ended up weaning Cora just shy of 10 weeks.  She was refusing the breast more than she would take it and there was lots of screaming, popping off, and as a result, clogged ducts.  I knew it was time.  We’ve been giving her 5-7oz first thing in the morning when she STTN.  Then she’ll want to eat every 2 hours or so during the day, typically taking 3-4oz.


Likes: Being on the changing table (this is where she smiles and giggles the most), kicking her feet, staring at black and white pictures, really warm bottles, her playmat, staring at the Christmas tree.

Dislikes: Tummy time, being woken up by her loud sister and pug, wearing hats.

Firsts: Rolled tummy to back (10 weeks), slept through the night (10 weeks), first Christmas, first laughs!

Cora’s Nursery

I started this post before the baby arrived but lost steam and then she arrived and well, we’ve been busy 😉  I didn’t really pick a theme for the room other than colors.  I knew I wanted light pink walls, to incorporate some gold and teal, and make sure the grey glider from our first nursery didn’t seem out of place.  The colors in the curtains ending up being my jumping off point. The room is a bit smaller than Gretchen’s room, and the closet is about a foot smaller.  We again chose to take the doors off the closet, paint it, install new shelving, and use it as our changing area.

Our photographer Darbi G captured some beautiful images of the space that more accurately capture the colors in the room, so I will share those first, followed by my own iphone 5 pictures, which are not as impressive!






Bedding: sheets from Target, crib skirt from Buy Buy Baby

Wall art: prints and wooden hello art from Hobby Lobby (elephant, hello, alphabet , string art from Kim’s Heart Strings (she is local to KC to I messaged her directly on Facebook and picked up my order to avoid shipping charges.)

Crib: Jenny Lind Liberty 3 in 1 from Franklin and Ben

Chair: Best Chairs Quinn

Ottomon: Oh Joy for Target

Lamp: Target

Light fixture: Overstock

Storage Cubes: Target (gold dot no longer available)

Throw pillow: Target

Storage bins: Target (striped and woven)

Bookcase: IKEA Kallax

Curtains: Target 

Fabric banner: DIY’d (tons of tutorials on Pinterest) and bought the fabric at Hobby Lobby.

Pug loaves: Etsy shop Cornstarch

Paint color: Behr youth blush (I do not recommend their paint anymore, the formula was changed and the paint and primer in 1 no longer covers well.  We did 2 coats but really should have done 3, whereas their paint and primer plus formula used to cover in 1 coat.)


Cora: 2 months old


Stats: 13lbs 3 oz (86%), 23 in long (68%), head circumference 16 in (97%).

Size: Still wearing 0-3/ 3 month clothing but I think she may outgrow some of the sleepers soon.  I’m going to pull out some 3-6 month clothes and see if they fit.  She is growing fast! She no longer fits her newborn size cloth diapers.  Wearing size 1 disposables.

Sleep: 6 hr stretch is the longest stretch so far. She has longer stretches of being awake during the day but still naps a lot. Sometimes just 3o minutes, sometimes and hour.  It all kind of blurs together honestly.  We typically only have to get up with her 2x a night and we each take a turn.

Eating: We are still combo feeding.  I usually breastfeed Cora 3 times a day when my breasts feel full.  She seems to be growing frustrated with breastfeeding though and screams at the boob a lot, especially in the evening.  So we’ll see how much longer she wants it.  I’d like to make it to 12 weeks like I did with Gretchen but I’m just following her cues.  She typically takes a 4 oz bottle and likes us to warm them up a bit or at least be room temp. She eats frequently in the morning, about every 2 hours, then starts to have longer stretches in the afternoon, frequent feedings in the evening, and long stretches over night.


Likes: Her paci, being swaddled, warm baths, playing on her play mat, butt pats, looking at faces, being around her sister, staring at Christmas lights on the tree.

Dislikes: Cold formula bottles, frequent stops in the car, being woken up by her loud sister and her troubley pug.

Firsts: First smile at 7 weeks old, also started vocalizing around that point.

Cora: 1 Month Old


Stats: 10lbs 15oz (88%), 22 1/2 in long (96%), head circumference 15.5in.(90%)

Size: 0-3/3 month clothes.  I managed to squeeze her into a newborn sized onesie yesterday when that was all I had on me after she spit up but it was a TIGHT squeeze.

Sleep: Longest stretch is probably about 3 hours right now.  Generally in the mornings she is very alert and hungry and may take a short nap but nothing significant.  In the afternoons she will take long 2 hour naps and those often continue into the evening.  At night it varies.  She usually sleeps at least 90 min-2 hrs at night and goes 3 hours from start of one feeding to start of the next.

Eating: She is much hungrier and a more active nurser than Gretchen was so we’ve combo fed her differently.She likes to eat and we’ve been supplementing since day 1 due to her size and my supply issues.  Currently she gets 2.5 oz of formula at each feeding.  At every other feeding I breastfeed her before giving her the bottle and she’ll feed about 10 min per boob.  Weighed feedings show she gets a little over 1 oz of breastmilk per feeding.  That amount did not change when I switched from breastfeeding at every feeding to every other feeding.  She is more content with spaced out breastfeeding as my boobs are actually full if I go 4-5 hours between feedings rather than 2-3.


Likes: Eating, snuggling, being swaddled, her pacifier, her vibrating bouncy seat (tolerates the swing sometimes), her big sister, staring at open windows. Being outside.

Dislikes: The preschool drop-off/pick-up line, or any time the car stops moving.  Baths. Being hungry.

Firsts: bath, doctor’s appointment, Halloween, visit to church, visit to Deanna Rose Farmstead, matching sister outfits.


Cora’s Birth Story

Cora Ann was born on 10/2/16 at 5:19am.  9lbs 3oz and 20 in long


My first labor was what is called a precipitous labor.  Fortunately in that case, I was already in the hospital for observation when my water broke and contractions started.  Gretchen was born 3 hours later and by the time we realized I was complete, it was too late for an epidural.  I really wanted one the second time around and hoped there’d be time for one.  Spoiler alert: hahahaha, NO.

This time around I was expecting another fast labor, possibly even faster, but the OB warned me there was no way to know until it happened.  I hoped things might be different if I went to term. Gretchen was born at almost 36 weeks and I had already passed that mark with this pregnancy with no signs of impending labor.  Growth ultrasounds in the last trimester indicated that Cora would be big but they tend to be off a pound or two in either direction, so they’re not an accurate predictor of size.  The scan I did at 37 weeks suggested she was anywhere between 7 and 9 pounds.  So not small but probably not huge just yet.

By 37 weeks her head was low down in my pelvis and causing a lot of discomfort.  I was hyper paranoid about my water leaking like it did during my last pregnancy and this paranoia led us to two trips to L&D that turned out to be false alarms.  One between 37 and 38 weeks, and one just 2 days before she was born.  From 37 weeks to the end I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced.  They could feel her head and the bag of water when they checked me so I knew she was ready to go as soon as that bag of water broke.  For this and several other reasons we scheduled an induction for 39 weeks all while hoping she’d come on her own.

Two nights after my last false alarm I had some cramping at bedtime but this was not unusual since I’d been constipated for a couple of weeks (sorry, TMI but if you’ve been pregnant before, you know all the unpleasantries!)  I got out of bed and bounced on the yoga ball for awhile and did some stretches, trying to get some relief from the pain.  When I got in bed around 1am I noticed the cramping had started to come and go and that I was actually contracting so I started timing them.  They were anywhere from 3-6 minutes apart, sometimes with a 15 minute break if I changed positions. Usually they were about a minute long but not very painful, just annoying since I wanted to sleep.  I told Tyler about them and he asked if we should go in and I said no since they were so irregular.  Around 3:15 they stopped altogether and I fell asleep.

I woke up with a start at 4:20 when my water suddenly broke. I jumped out of bad faster than I knew possible and immediately called my sister to come over and then called my doctor to tell her we were coming in.  It wasn’t until after those calls that the first contraction hit, more water gushed, and I felt the intensity of the pain and knew it was going to happen fast again.  Tyler ran next door and woke up our neighbor to come over and wait for my sister to arrive.  Our bags were already packed and in the car from the previous trip to L&D so we hopped in and sped to the hospital.  Since it was the middle of the night we hit every green light and with every contraction I told Tyler to drive a little faster. They were about 2 minutes apart at this point and less than a minute long.  It took us 10 minutes to get to the hospital (10 miles away but we were driving on residential streets, not the highway!)  He dropped me off at the ER entrance and I went upstairs to check in.

As I climbed into bed I told them “I know there’s probably not time, but I’d really like an epidural this time around.”  When the nurse informed me that involved drawing labs first I knew there was no way it was going to happen.  They managed to get an IV in between contractions and when they checked me I was complete (this was probably 40 minutes after my water broke).  My doctor arrived shortly thereafter when I was feeling the urge to push and they quickly got me up into the stirrups.  She was out in 4 pushes, born at 5:19 am, exactly 59 minutes after my water broke and active labor began.


Once again no time to change into a hospital gown so I delivered in a t-shirt!  More comfortable anyway.

My OB and the nurses were incredible during my delivery and after.  They knew how to keep me calm and coach and encourage me.  Tyler let me squeeze his hand so hard I thought I was going to break it.

Since she was full term (born at exactly 39 weeks, the day before my scheduled induction) she got to spend a lot of time on my chest after the birth (Gretchen was early so the NICU team had to assess her for several minutes right after she was born).  She cried quite a bit but quickly settled down once we had her warm and snuggled up.  We could not believe she was over 9lbs and I was immediately very relieved she was already out and didn’t have a chance to grow any more gigantic!

We are so SO thankful that my water broke in the middle of the night when we were both home and there was no traffic to battle with on our way to the hospital. I’m glad I followed my instincts and didn’t wait to go in.  Even though I expected a faster labor this time around, I was thinking maybe like, 2 hours this time, not 59 minutes!  I get panicky thinking about the what ifs if it had happened at a different time or place.  Gretchen didn’t even know we’d left for the hospital until she woke up the next morning and her aunt was here instead of us.  She was soooooo excited to come to the hospital and meet her baby sister later that day.


Thanks for all the well wishes, we are settled in at home and doing really well!

St Louis Trip

Well it only took me 3 months but I finally finished our trip write up!  We went in early May and the weather was great. Cool but not cold.  We only stayed 2 nights so there was only so much we could fit.  Next time I’d love to stay longer and do more.  Spend more time in Forest Park, at the botanical gardens, and at the Magic House.  Here’s a rundown of our trip.


Where We Stayed

Home2 Suites Forest Park.  This hotel is only a year old and was perfect for us.  We prefer to stay in suites whenever we travel so that we can stay up after Gretchen goes to bed.  Having a partial kitchen is great too.  This suite was huge with a fridge, sink, microwave, dishes, and a table to eat at.  Gretchen slept on her cot in the living area (pull out couch was there if we wanted it) and we had a king bed in the other room.  Huge bathroom with a nice big tub.  They offered a really great complimentary breakfast and had an indoor pool (saltwater) that we enjoyed.  Location was very central to everything we did.  Kind of steep at $250 a night but worth it!


  • Anthonio’s Taverna– Italian restaurant in The Hill district.  Great Italian restaurant but not too fancy for kids.  They do take reservations but we forgot to make them and walked right in and got a table around 5.  Sorry, no pictures of our delicious meal (including the St. Louis special, toasted ravioli)
  • Gelato Di Riso– this was just a couple of blogs from Anthonio’s and the gelato was FANTASTIC.  Wish we had a great gelato place like this in KC.


  • Bailey’s Range– this restaurant is downtown near CityGarden and the arch.  They have great burgers, salads, and make their own ice cream! Very kid friendly place to eat while not sacrificing great food.

Things We Did:

  • St. Louis Zoo– while admission to the zoo is free, parking is not and neither are the extras like the train, sea lion show, feeding the stingrays, and the children’s area.  If you have a zoo membership elsewhere you can get a discount but we opted not to get one this year. We were able to see most of the zoo in 3 hours with the help of the train.  Gretchen loved the penguins, polar bear, and the hippos.  The hippo exhibit was phenomenal.  The children’s area of the zoo was very shaded which was nice and there is a playground and splash pad there where you can stop and play.
  • Turtle Park– this is a park right by Forest Park and next to the highway that has a bunch of turtle sculptures that kids can climb on.  Big turtles, baby turtles, turtle hatchlings.  It’s really unique and a fun stop.


  • Missouri Botanical Garden– This was my favorite stop on our trip and I could have spent more time here.  The gardens are beautiful and there are almost too many to see them all.  We got there late in the afternoon so didn’t get to spend as much time in the children’s garden as we probably would have liked as it closes early.  It is AMAZING though.  Treehouses, slides, a general store for pretend play, and in the summer there is a splashpad to enjoy as well.13263791_768470697971_4784912242508492926_n13255926_768470084201_9103440642436251344_n



  • St. Louis Science Center – I was feeling pretty exhausted the morning we went since we’d walked all over the zoo the day before.  The museum is free but the extras are not.  Our Union Station/Science City membership got us a free admission to the kid’s Discovery Room which was Gretchen’s favorite part.  I wish the sessions were longer (you only get 45 minutes in there) since there was so much to do and explore.13230104_768469924521_4222101808238888441_n
  • CityGarden– Only a short walk from Bailey’s Range, CityGarden is a sculpture park right in the heart of the city.  It was a little cool for us to enjoy the fountains but it would be great in the summer.  You can also get a good view of the arch from here.13232996_768471421521_130822128540047043_n13254298_768471167031_1705166848221008063_n


  • Magic House–  I was SO excited to take Gretchen here as I have clear memories of going as a kid.  We got there right when it opened but after about an hour it got somewhat crowded (depending on which room you were in).  This is a children’s museum for kids of all ages.  Gretchen is very into playing pretend right now so she loved the vet clinic, pizza parlour, and baby nursery.  I loved the things that made me nostalgic, like the static ball, three story slide, and the bubble room.  We spent only about 2 hours here but could have spent more, sadly it was time to head home.13260233_768471536291_2770321847287516267_n13239206_768472025311_8674125121213880493_n


32 Weeks


How far along: 32 weeks

Cravings/aversions: nothing really sounds good or bad right now.  Baby is taking up so much room in my tummy I can only eat a little bit before I feel full, so I mostly snack throughout the day.

Feeling: Pretty good now that my heartburn is under control (thank you zantac!)  I am usually up 2-3 times a night to pee, so good times. I struggle with some insomnia if I wake up after 5am but Gretchen has been awesome about hanging out with me in bed and looking at books so I can snooze a little longer in the mornings.  The heat has been rough but I’m hoping the worst is over and fall will be here soon!  Lots of braxton hicks contractions and lots of baby movement.  I have a doctor’s appointment and growth scan this week and my OB will be back from maternity leave.  Excited to be back under her care and discuss how thing are going.

We had maternity photos taken last weekend, something we didn’t do last time around. I’m so glad we decided to have them done this time since it’s our last baby!  The ones we’ve seen so far have been amazing!  Can’t recommend Brooke German Photography highly enough!


20 Weeks


How far along: 20 weeks

Cravings/aversions: chocolate/vanilla swirl ice cream cones, pork pot stickers, California rolls, caeser salad.

Feeling: Really good, lots more energy and about 50% less puking.  Some pelvic pain that comes and goes but I’m planning to visit with a chiropractor to see if I can get some relief from that.  As it gets more hot and humid I’m more uncomfortable so we plan to spend most of the summer in the pool!

For Mother’s Day we had an elective ultrasound to learn the sex of the baby.  After our crappy experience at our NT scan we wanted a more positive one when we found out the news.  We all guessed girl and were all right 🙂  Gretchen is thrilled and talks about her baby sister all the time.

We’ve also picked a name


We are at least half way there! So excited to meet baby Cora 🙂

Pregnancy Update


How far along: 14 weeks

Cravings/aversions: I crave salty stuff, not big on sweets with the exception of Dr. Pepper and my favorite iced chai from Starbucks!  I ate buffalo chicken dip for lunch a couple of days earlier this week.

Feeling: Mostly okay, the worst thing is the insomnia which hits a few nights a week.  This pregnancy has been very different from the last since I haven’t had to take progesterone supplements.  They exacerbated the nausea last time.  I usually throw up once every morning but then I’m good.  I threw up every day of my last pregnancy so we’ll see if that happens again this time, so far it looks like it.  My appetite is significantly smaller than usual.  My energy level has rebounded now that I’m in second trimester.

I am showing much earlier this pregnancy.  I can still wear my regular jeans but they ride down and I’m constantly hiking them up.  Time to buy more maternity pants!  I’m ready for summer and maxi dress/skirt season.

Gretchen changes her mind all the time about whether it’s a boy or a girl.  She wanted to buy the baby a pacifier to help it “stop crying” so we bought a turtle wubbanub this week.  She’s currently using it on her dolls.

I definitely felt movement for the first time this week.  Much earlier than last time which I think is pretty normal for second pregnancies.

We are hoping to do some work in the finished basement this weekend to get it ready to become our new guest room. Haven’t made any nursery plans yet since we haven’t found out the sex yet (about 5 more weeks til that ultrasound).  Toying around with a baseball theme if it’s a boy.  No clue if it’s a girl.  I feel like I used up all my ideas on the first kid!