Cora: 4 months old


Stats: 16lbs 9 oz (85th %), 26 1/2 in long (98th %), head circumference 17.5 in (>99th %!)

Size: Moved up to size 2 diapers.  Wearing 3-6 and 6 month sizes but some of those are getting tight.

Sleep: Cora sleeps through the night most nights right now and often wakes up smiling and not screaming to eat. What time she eats last and goes to sleep varies anywhere from 8-10pm and she wakes up between 6 and 8. She takes short naps during the day, usually 30 minutes, sometimes longer in the late afternoon. Usually 4-5 naps a day.

Eating: We started making her 5oz bottles and she usually takes all of it.  During the day she wants to eat every 2-2.5 hours.


Likes: Grabbing her feet, getting her diaper changed (this is weird but she laughs while we do it!), her big sister, “talking” (Gretchen always exclaims “Cora said hoo!”)

Dislikes: Tummy time, being woken up to do preschool drop off and pick up.

Firsts: Grabbing things. Talking to herself.  Deep belly laughs.

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