Cora: 5 months old


Stats: Nothing official

Size: Size 6month clothes, I think we’ll be in 9 month soon so I have that stuff washed and ready to go!

Sleep: Continues to sleep through the night most of the time.  She has started to consolidate her morning naps and feedings a few times a week.  She’ll take a short one and a long one in the morning instead of 3 short ones. She naps in the swing when we are at home. I have stopped swaddling her for naps as she seems to fall asleep faster and sleep longer if she can suck on her thumb. Still swaddling with the miracle blanket and putting her in the rock in play at night.  May move her to her own room at 6 months.

Eating: I think we are ready to move up to bigger bottles.  She drains 5 oz bottles (which we typically fill to the top so they are closer to 5.5/6oz in reality.  We are waiting til 6 months to start solids.


Likes: Playing with her feet, rolling around on the floor now that she’s mastered rolling both ways, laughing at her sister, kicking, blowing raspberries, getting her diaper changed, sucking on her thumb, spinny toy on her activity center, feeling different textures, “If you’re happy and you know it.”

Dislikes: Being stuck in the car at preschool pickup, getting stuck on her tummy, when her sister is too loud or too rough with her, not being able to find her thumb.

Firsts: Blowing raspberries, rolling back to front, bath with her big sister.

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